Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Morning Workouts Anyone??!!
Hello Zumba Ladies! I hope you are finding ways to stay fit during the week. Speaking of, I would really like to add some morning classes to my schedule, but for it to be cost effective I would need to have at least 4 ladies who would commit to a session with me. I am open to Tues, Weds or Thurs. mornings .I am flexible with the time as well . If you would be interested in taking a morning class email me at with your preference and availability.
See you on the dancefloor!!
See you on the dancefloor!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Countdown for the Zumbaton for Syria...Coming this Saturday March 31!
Zumbathon colors are the Syrian flag colors. Wear your white, black, green or red to show support and coin skirts if you have them! Spread the word and see you there!
If you have any question or need information email me at
Zumbathon for Syria
The horrors of war are far-reaching and impact all walks of life. Both men and women alike are affected by conflict, and yet the war stories of women remain untold. In an effort to bring to life the issues surrounding women in war, Muslims Without Borders developed “Sisters Week”. This year, in light of current events, MWB is focusing on Syria , and aims to both educate the public about this issue and raise funds for women in need. Rape is frequently employed as a tactic during times of war, but unfortunately even after the conflict has ended the battle wounds of countless women remain. Rape victims not only face physical problems, but psychological, economical, and social issues as well. But there is hope. With proper treatment we can support our sisters and tell their stories. Sisters Week is March 23rd-31st and Nadoona and Muslims Without Borders have partnered up for a unique nationwide initiative.
Zumbathons will be held nationwide to support this cause.
Please join me representing Maryland and spread the word and bring your friends to this 2 hour zumba event to use your love of fitness to raise money to help others in need. ALL Proceeds go to benefit Syria!
*Minimum requested donation is $15.00 but feel free to donate more if you want or also donate what you can if you can't attend.
Click below to purchase tickets and/or to RSVP or pay at the door.
Monday, March 26, 2012
What is Eating Clean
by Eartha
There is no fitness goal which you can achieve without first cleaning up your diet. Changing your diet is one of the biggest challenges when faced with improving ones health. A majority of people are used to eating highly processed foods on a regular basis and breaking away from that can be difficult. The good news is, it isn't impossible and once you make it a habit to eat clean, it becomes a part of your life.
In a nutshell, eating clean is the practice of eating whole, natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbohydrates. It also means staying away from the junk that typically makes up the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) These types of food include man-made sugar, bad fats (hydrogenated, trans-fat), preservatives, white bread, and any other ingredients that are unnecessary. An easy way to remember if a food is clean is: "if man made it, don't eat it."
eating clean,
ladies only zumba,
zumba weight loss
FREE Preschool Dance Party
Saturday, March 24, 2012
I'm Ready for you!
I am looking forward to Zumbaing with you this morning at 10am sharp! Look out!
See you at One for All Dance
9691 -L Gerwig lane
Columbia MD'21046
Bring a Friend and a smile.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Exercise for Beginners - Setting Up a Complete Program
- For Beginners: You should start slowly with a basic cardio program and a full body resistance training routine. You'll want to have recovery days to allow your body to rest and your muscles to heal from your new routine. A typical beginner program will include about 3 days of cardio and 2 days of strength training. If you're not sure about your fitness level, you can take the quiz, What's Your Fitness Level? to get insight and resources to help you get started. Below is a sample schedule just to give you an idea of a typical week of workouts:
Monday: Cardio 20-30 minutes. You can choose from one of the following Sample Cardio Workouts: | Tuesday: Total Body Strength and core training. You can choose from one of the following Sample Strength Workouts: |
Wednesday: Rest or gentle yoga/stretching | Thursday: Cardio-20-30 minutes. You can choose from one of the following Sample Cardio Workouts: |
Friday: Total Body Strength and core training. You can choose from one of the following Sample Strength Workouts: | Saturday: Cardio-20-30 minutes. You can choose from one of the following Sample Cardio Workouts: |
- For Intermediate Exercisers: If you've been exercising for a while and your goal is to lose weight, you want to shoot for 20-60 minutes of cardio about 5 or more times a week. Your strength training schedule will depend on what type of workouts you're doing (e.g., total body training or a split routine). You can do cardio and weight training on the same day, depending on your time constraints. It doesn't matter which one you do first, so vary your routine and try different combinations to find the one that is right for you.
- Sample Split Routine for Upper and Lower Body:
Monday: 30-Minute Cardio Medley Workout, Upper Body Training | Tuesday: 45-Minute Treadmill Interval Workout, Core Training |
Wednesday: 30-Minute Low Impact Cardio Blast Workout (2 circuits), Lower body | Thursday: Rest, stretch or yoga |
Friday: Total Body Strength or Circuit Training | Saturday: Cardio-60 minutes, stretch |
- For Intermediate/Advanced Exercisers: If you're more advanced, you can split your routine further, focusing more attention on each muscle group. You can also increase the intensity of your cardio, incorporating interval training and other advanced techniques to burn calories and build endurance.
- Sample Split Routing for Advanced Exercisers:
Monday: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, HIIT Cardio | Tuesday: Lower Body and Core |
Wednesday: Back & Biceps, Boredom Buster Cardio | Thursday: Rest, stretch or yoga |
Friday: Basic Total Body Strength | Saturday: Advanced Intense Intervals |
For a variety of strength training workouts and helpful articles, visit my Workout Center.
Here is an example of my program that I have just started to implement.
Monday- 1 hour cardio (zumba)
Tuesday (full body strength training+1 hour cardio)
Weds- 30 min express cycling (cardio)
Thursday (total body strength training+cardio)
Friday - rest
Saturday -1 hour cardio (zumba)
Sunday- rest or Yoga
My personal goal is weight loss , so my aim is to have 5 hours a week of cardio and 2-3 days a week of strength training. Remember clean eating is the key to weight loss. Which is my biggest weakness. Also, you don't want to work the same muscle groups back to back , you want at least 1 or two days between strength training to allow your muscle to repair. If you do weights and cardio in the same day, you want to warm up at least 10-15 minutes prior but don't do a whole hour of cardio and then weights. It's best to weight train first and then do your cardio. I hope this helps, but remember start off small and then add to your routine. Stay healthy and see you in class.
from exercise at
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
More Ladies Only Fitness time just for you! Modesty is a lifestyle!
It's FREE !
When: Thursdays, 8:30p - 9:45p
Where: 7361 Assategue Drive,
Jessup, MD 20794
You like Yoga or want to try?
You like Yoga or want to try?
Ladies Only Yoga with Nazahaah Amin
Only $5.00 per class
Only $5.00 per class
The Heart Nest
Sundays at 11am
Sundays at 11am
Ladies Only Zumba anyone?
Click to the right for my schedule.
Sign up if you are interested in Weds morning classes.
Sign up if you are interested in Weds morning classes.
If you know any other ladies only fitness classes please share so that I may post them as well
What is PIYO?

Flexibility training is essential, more so as we get older. I will be 40 soon and I can FEEL the need more than ever to get more serious about that balance! It's tricky for me because traditional exercise bores me. I need something that keeps me moving and is fluid. I find it hard to be still when working out.
Although traditional Yoga and Pilates are beloved by so many, I feel like an odd ball. Traditional Yoga and pilates makes me want to sleep. I could possibly dream about getting more flexible. That's not good! I also learned a long time ago that I have a hard time working out at home. I have been homeschooling for 18 years and I need to get out of the house to have some me time. Did I say get out of the house? Another dilemma is finding something I like that is only for women. Quite a challenge!
It is a pre-designed class that will really get your heart rate going as it features various styles of yoga and Pilates in continuous movement and flow from one exercise to another. Sometimes I describe PiYo as a hyper version of yoga, but with the benefits of deep breathing, balance, stretching, strengthening and relaxation. And to top it all off, the music is awesome and helps!
Not to mention that when I start, I will share with all you ladies who may be interested. Another Ladies only treat!
The main thing is to stay active and find your own balance. Find what you love and keep doing it. Its different for everyone. Turbokick is next but I will tell you more about that in the future. See you in class!!
ladies only,
weight loss,
what is piyo,
workouts for women,
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Healthy Sweat and Unhealthy Sweat
by: Junji Takano
You may be wondering whether there are any good sweat and bad sweat. There are sweats that are unpleasant, and sweat which you do not feel anything unpleasant. How nice if you can stop your face from sweating, especially when you have an important meeting. Is this possible? The answer is probably, NO.
On the side note, did you know that the palms of your hands, soles of feet, and on the forehead have the highest number of sweat glands among your back, lower chest and armpit?
Did you know that the sweat glands of your legs are the first to get a symptom of senility or aging process?
Did you know that people who work in hot areas such as in front of direct fires or under direct heat of the sun easily get symptoms of leg cramps? Muscle cramp is thought to be caused by heatstroke.
In our experiments, we requested several people to enter a sauna for 20 minutes while measuring their sweat. Some of them easily sweated while others took time to have sweat.
We placed each sweat to each laboratory dish and waited to dry up. Some dried up easily while others remained wet and oily. What does it mean?
In medical analysis, the one who easily sweat by heat is because his or her physical mechanism knows how to regulate the body temperature.
The one who does not sweat easily by heat have his or her physical condition in danger, as the acid in the sweat will be sticky. It means that the body mechanism does not know how to control body temperature normally.
Unhealthy sweat contains more acid and fat.
More than a thousand people suffer and die of heatstroke in the world. If you stay at a hot area, it is natural to sweat. The role or function of sweat is to normalize the body temperature. This mechanism is controlled by our brain. The brain controls the opening of blood vessels to maintain the body temperature, especially the blood vessels near the surface of the skin to open and secrete sweat to cool the temperature. The person who does not sweat is considered unhealthy or has some problems in their body mechanism. If there's too much blood in the vicinity of the skin that does not sweat, dizziness or vertigo may occur due to lack of blood in the brain. If the blood accumulates in one place, and the sweat is unhealthy, then the blood becomes sticky. In this case, blood clot may occur.
Our bodies contain the same salty liquid as that of the sea, a fluid consisting of water and salt. This salt presence in the body or salinity is an important substance for the proper function of muscles and other organs. Muscle cramp may occur often if salinity in the body is insufficient. In fact, water contents in the blood are controlled by the quantity of salinity. Therefore, if the unhealthy sweat is in large quantities, you are losing both body water content as well as salinity content. This also means that even if you drink water to relieve thirst, it will not be consumed properly by the body but will be excreted as urine due to lack of salinity in the body.
When our body produces sweat to regulate the body temperature, the sweat glands try to take sodium (salt) from the capillaries. This sodium is taken mainly by using the principle of osmotic pressure, but at the same time, it sucks up the water from the blood.
When the body fluid accumulates, it will come out to the skin surface as a sweat. Actually, there is a mechanism to send the salt contents back to the blood in order to maintain salinity of the body, but in the case of a person who is having an unhealthy sweat, it is not so. Instead, various salt compounds and other minerals will come out to the surface of the skin.
Well, what is the solution with such person with malfunctioned sweat mechanism? We discovered that it is a matter of exercise to correct the sweat mechanism. Just 20 – 30 minutes of exercise, let's say "sweat exercise" daily for a week.
By doing exercise, you must sweat whether it's an unhealthy or healthy sweat. In a week time, you will notice that your sweat will be different. In the beginning, sweat was salty and oily, and gradually it was turning to a watery sweat, simply clean sweat. That's it.
As a result, if you try to sweat daily, the secretion of sweat will be faster and quantity of salty and oily sweat will be reduced. This means that salty fluids near the surface of the skin will return to the blood. Thus, your blood quantity as well as water contents in the body will increase dramatically. It means that you are gaining weight in a healthy way. It does not mean that you are getting fat.
Furthermore, good and healthy sweat does not reduce salinity in the body but make you healthier and this really means that you can prevent getting heatstroke, heart attack and other maladies. Oh, and it's good to add a gram of salt in a liter of water, too.
To have good and healthy sweat is to move and exercise daily. Healthy sweat means healthy body. Healthy sweat repels illnesses.
* In short the more you sweat the cleaner and less salty the sweat will be until you get to that point, It is super important to replace sodium loss during a sweat session.
Eating and exercise: 5 tips to maximize your workouts
Eating and exercise: 5 tips to maximize your workouts
Knowing when and what to eat can make a difference in how you feel during your workouts. Here are five tips on eating and exercise to guide you.
Eating and exercise go hand in hand. When and what you eat can be important to how you feel when you exercise, whether it's a casual workout or a serious athletic competition.
Here are five tips for eating and exercise to help maximize your exercise and athletic performance. Just keep in mind that the duration and intensity of your activity will dictate how often and what you should eat and drink. Running a marathon demands more energy in the way of food than does walking two miles — but whatever your exercise, you'll benefit from paying attention to your meals and snacks.
1. Eat a healthy breakfast
If you exercise in the morning, get up early enough to eat breakfast — that may mean one to two hours before your workout. Most of the energy you got from dinner the previous night is used up by morning, and your blood sugar may be low. If you don't eat, you may feel sluggish or lightheaded when you exercise. If you plan to exercise within an hour after breakfast, eat a lighter breakfast or drink something to raise your blood sugar, such as a sports drink. Emphasize carbohydrates for maximum energy.Good breakfast options include:
- Whole-grain cereals or bread
- Low-fat milk
- Juice
- Bananas
2. Size matters
Be careful not to overdo it when it comes to how much you eat before exercise. The general guideline:- Large meals. Eat these at least three to four hours before exercising.
- Small meals. Eat these two to three hours before exercising.
- Small snacks. Eat these an hour before exercising.
3. Snack well
Most people can eat small snacks right before and during exercise. The key is how you feel. Do what works best for you. Snacks eaten soon before exercise probably won't give you added energy, but they can help keep up your blood sugar and prevent distracting hunger pangs. Good snack options include:- Energy bars or drinks
- Bananas or other fresh fruit
- Yogurt
- Fruit smoothies
- Whole-grain bagel or crackers with peanut butter
- Granola bars
4. Eat after you exercise
To help your muscles recover and to replace their glycogen stores, eat a meal that contains both protein and some carbohydrates within two hours of your exercise session if possible. If you aren't hungry after your workout, drink juice or a sports drink to provide replenishing carbohydrates.
Good post-workout food choices include:
To stay well hydrated for exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you:
Here are links for great post and pre workout meals and snacks. Enjoy!~!
Foods for Fitness
Cardio Fitness Foods
Strength Training Foods
Fitness Snacks
Post Workout Meals
Good post-workout food choices include:
- Yogurt and fruit
- Peanut butter or meat sandwich
- String cheese and crackers
- Nuts and dried fruit
- A regular meal with meat, starch, and cooked vegetable or salad
5. Drink up
Don't forget to drink fluids to help optimize your exercise and workouts. You need adequate fluids before, during and after exercise to help prevent dehydration.To stay well hydrated for exercise, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you:
- Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (0.5 to 0.7 liters) of water during the two to three hours before your workout.
- Drink about 1/2 to 1 cup (0.12 to 0.23 liters) of water every 15 to 20 minutes during your workout. You may need more the larger your body is or the warmer the weather is.
- Drink roughly 2 to 3 cups (0.5 to 0.7 liters) of water after your workout for every pound (0.5 kilogram) of weight you lose during the workout.
Let experience be your guide
When it comes to eating and exercise, everyone is different. So pay attention to how you feel during your workout and your overall performance. Let your experience guide you on which pre- and post-exercise eating habits work best for you. Consider keeping a journal to monitor how your body reacts to meals and snacks so that you can tweak your diet for optimal performance. I personaly cannot eat even 1-2 hours before an intense workout. I rely on quick carbs like fruit juice or an apple beforehand and use a recovery protein shake right after my workout.Here are links for great post and pre workout meals and snacks. Enjoy!~!
Foods for Fitness
Cardio Fitness Foods
Strength Training Foods
Fitness Snacks
Post Workout Meals
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Zumba Recipe!!
So what is this Zumba® thingy people are so crazy about these days?? Zumba® is not a diet pill. It is a diet dance! Here's the recipe for Zumba® Fitness. Follow it and you will burn off those calories!
Take 1/3 cup fast beat, 1/3 cup slow rhythm and 1/3 cup dance-aerobics and place them in a studio/fitness room.
Spice it up with 1 tablespoon each Latin, African and Hip-Hop beat. (Add more if you like it spicy) I like it extra spicy!.
Add a heaping cup of hip action.
Whip it all up by shaking your booty.
Stir in some funky Zumba® wear.
Garnish with laughs and smiles!
Aaand.. walla! Serve the crowd!
Come and try it, I guarantee you will have a blast. I look forward to meeting you!
Take 1/3 cup fast beat, 1/3 cup slow rhythm and 1/3 cup dance-aerobics and place them in a studio/fitness room.
Spice it up with 1 tablespoon each Latin, African and Hip-Hop beat. (Add more if you like it spicy) I like it extra spicy!.
Add a heaping cup of hip action.
Whip it all up by shaking your booty.
Stir in some funky Zumba® wear.
Garnish with laughs and smiles!
Aaand.. walla! Serve the crowd!
Come and try it, I guarantee you will have a blast. I look forward to meeting you!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Magic Pill
Great class ladies. I don't know about you but when I have stressful days, these workouts always make me feel better! See You Saturday.
Tonight's class!
Got my new ipod itouch in the mail today. I am ready now!!!! Join me tonight at One For All Dance Academy (9691-L Gerwig Lane Columbia MD 21046) 7-8pm.
Announcement. Starting next week, Monday class will be 7:30-8:30 due to maghrib. Feel free to make salatul maghrib tonight right after class in the dressing room. Sorry for the inconvenience. Isha comes in at 8:25pm
Announcement. Starting next week, Monday class will be 7:30-8:30 due to maghrib. Feel free to make salatul maghrib tonight right after class in the dressing room. Sorry for the inconvenience. Isha comes in at 8:25pm
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Coin Bracelets Available now in class. Lets make some noise!
Limited stock $5.00 per pair
1 pair of each color available
light blue,blue ,yellow,red,hot pink, light pink,black,purple, and white
Get them before they're gone.
For sale in class.
Sisters Night of Fun
Sorry I didn't post this earlier but it's still not too late. This is the 5th year of this event but it is my first time attending. I will also be sharing the love of dance and fitness otherwise known as ZUMBA, to these lovely ladies. All ladies are welcome. Here is the link for more information and to register. See you there!
Here is an excerpt from their page"
Today at 8:00pm until Sunday at 8:00am
We'd like to invite you to the 5th Sisters Night of Fun. Please feel free to invite your friends (Muslim and Non-Muslim) to enjoy a night of worship, entertainment and fun. The Night of Fun events hopes to foster a Halal environment for our youth to meet other Muslims different masajid and communities around the DC, MD, and VA area. This event is open to all ages, and focused around high school to college aged youth. Swimming ♦ Volleyball ♦ Racquetball ♦ Halaqah ♦ Movies ♦ Video Games ♦ Qiyam ♦ and more When: March 10 8pm Saturday night - March 11 8am Sunday morning Cost: $20 per person Guest Speaker: Sr. Sarah Yazback We have arranged for Female lifeguards. Mothers are welcome to attend the Sisters Night of Fun. Dinner will be provided. Feel free to contact me or any of the coordinators if you have any questions. contact: Uzma Rasheed 703-672-1576 www.sisters.night-of-fun.c RSVP/REGISTER HERE: http:// |
Get Ready
I have had a stressful week. Being a women , a mother and wife takes its toll. Zumba is my go to stress reducer! Let's do it 10am this morning at One For All Dance (9691-L Gerwig lane Columbia MD 21046) for our Zumba endorphin fix. I am so past ready! I need it......I want it .........NOW!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Zumbathon Sisters Week (SYRIA)
Zumbathon for Syria
The horrors of war are far-reaching and impact all walks of life. Both men and women alike are affected by conflict, and yet the war stories of women remain untold. In an effort to bring to life the issues surrounding women in war, Muslims Without Borders developed “Sisters Week”. This year, in light of current events, MWB is focusing on Syria , and aims to both educate the public about this issue and raise funds for women in need. Rape is frequently employed as a tactic during times of war, but unfortunately even after the conflict has ended the battle wounds of countless women remain. Rape victims not only face physical problems, but psychological, economical, and social issues as well. But there is hope. With proper treatment we can support our sisters and tell their stories. Sisters Week is March 23rd-31st and Nadoona and Muslims Without Borders have partnered up for a unique nationwide initiative.
Zumbathons will be held nationwide to support this cause.
Zumbathons will be held nationwide to support this cause.
Please join me representing Maryland and spread the word and bring your friends to this 2 hour zumba event to use your love of fitness to raise money to help others in need. ALL Proceeds go to benefit Syria!
*Minimum requested donation is $15.00 but feel free to donate more if you want or also donate what you can if you can't attend.
Click below to purchase tickets and/or to RSVP
Monday, March 5, 2012
See you Tonight!!!! Bring a friend~
I am looking forward to seeing my Zumba Ladies and meeting new ones Monday night at One for All Dance (9691-L Gerwig Lane Columbia Md 21046) Remember Ladies night is your night to be healthy, have fun and de-stress,and get the week started off right! Boy I know I need it!! See you on the dancefloor for a great evening. Spread the word!
Friday, March 2, 2012
Tomorrow!! There will be Fire on the dancefloor!
See you Zumba Ladies Tomorrow at 10am.There will be FIRE on the dancefloor!!! See you at One For All Dance at 9691-L Gerwig Lane, Columbia MD 21046. Class punch cards are on sale. Hasta Manana!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Almost time to take off those coats!!
Ok Zumba Ladies! It was a BEAUTIFUL day today. Alhumdullilah. Praise God!!! Absolutely gorgeous ! A sign that summer is coming sooner than later. All I can think is that I better get it together because coats are about to come off soon. Keep sweating with me so we can reveal a more slender us in the coming months. See you on the dancefloor!!
With summer just around the corner, many of you are beginning (or resuming) going to the gym in an effort to reveal those hidden six pack muscles. While for most this is the typical beginning of another trip down Failure Avenue, for many it is the beginning of a journey to achieve the body they have always wanted. It is quite possible, today more than ever, to ditch those tank tops and strut your stuff around the beach this summer.
These simple tips can prove a valuable aid in helping start you down the correct path:
How to Lose Weight Before The Summer
(From summer just around the corner, many of you are beginning (or resuming) going to the gym in an effort to reveal those hidden six pack muscles. While for most this is the typical beginning of another trip down Failure Avenue, for many it is the beginning of a journey to achieve the body they have always wanted. It is quite possible, today more than ever, to ditch those tank tops and strut your stuff around the beach this summer.
These simple tips can prove a valuable aid in helping start you down the correct path:
- Modify bad eating habits now – remember you must create a caloric deficit for your body to dig into fat reserves. Your regular weekend drinking and munching sprees must come to an end if you are to achieve your goal. Start simple, eliminate sugary soda and other refined carbohydrate snacks; this can shave off a decent amount of calories per day. Opt for more satisfying, nutritionally dense foods, such as nuts, lean meats and slow digesting carbohydrate sources.
- Hit the weights regularly – besides helping develop those underdeveloped and underexposed abdominal muscles, weight training also significantly boosts metabolic rate; in fact much more than a corresponding cardio session. While cardio is important to burn excess calories, if coupled with regular, intense weight training the results can be phenomenal.
- Get adequate rest – this will serve two major purposes, for one your body regenerates its cells during the restorative phase of sleep, making it important to get ample shut eye. Secondly, since summer will be approaching, the odds are high that a lot of partying will be on your itinerary, causing major sleep deprivation. During sleep levels of growth hormone and testosterone also raise significantly, rewarding you for your efforts in the gym.
- Drink ample water – no other essential element has been found to hinder athletic performance as much as dehydration. Just a little degree of dehydration can make your energy levels suffer, besides from being downright dangerous. Adequate hydration has also been reported to have a favourable effect on metabolic rate in addition to the ability to suppress appetite. Dieters who drank two cups of water before each major meal consumed on average 20% less calories throughout the day. There is simply no reason that your water level should not be increased if you are a hard working athlete.
- Wise supplementation – losing weight does not require rocket fuel. Many simple, yet affordable supplements can give you the edge needed to break a plateau. Caffeine, for example has been shown to increase metabolic rate as well as promoting fat breakdown. Green tea extract has a favourable effect of metabolism also, in addition to being a powerful antioxidant. With the simple addition of a few common supplements, used judiciously, your goal can become a reality
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