
Welcome to Week 3. You have some new challenges this week with both your cardio and strength training assignments, so I hope you're ready to up the intensity a little. As always, use your own judgment and listen to your body. These workout assignments are only suggestions! Make sure you modify the workouts or replace them with your own...this is YOUR program.
12 Weeks to Weight Loss - Week 3
This week you have a new challenge--an extra day of cardio. Now, this is just a light cardio workout, so don't freak out. You also have a brand new strength training workout that involves more weights and harder exercises. Please, modify the workouts according to your fitness level! Visit the link above to learn more about your assignments this week and fill out your weekly checklist to see how you're doing.
Day 15
You're back to interval training today. I've provided a more advanced interval workout, but feel free to keep doing what you were doing last week. Whatever you choose, make it work for you. You'll also learn more about protein and focusing on the positive aspects of your body.
Day 16
I hope you're ready for your more advanced total body workout this week. It includes more exercises and more weights--please stick with the original workout if you're not ready to progress. You'll learn more about healthy fats and continue with your positive reflections by coming up with 10 things you like about exercise. Yes...that's TEN.
Day 17
Today, you'll have a variety of endurance workouts to choose from--or do your own thing. Just keep the pace at a medium intensity for 20 or more minutes. Your nutrition focus is on finding substitutions for any high-calorie foods you eat and you'll find some motivation by remembering why you started this program in the first place.
Day 18
Today you're focusing on strength with your new advanced workout. Your nutrition focus is--drumroll please--vegetables! Oh, now don't make that face. Veggies are good for you. For motivation, you'll learn how to add a little competition to your workouts to get you going.
Day 19
Did you notice I've added another day of cardio? But, relax--it's just some light cardio. Pick something you enjoy and have fun doing it--as long as you're moving, I'm happy. Your nutrition focus is on whole grains and you'll be motivating yourself by taking a moment to reflect on how far you've come in the program.
Day 20
Today is all about variety. Choose one of the workouts I've provided or do something else. You'll be excited to know that your nutrition focus is chocolate! Whoo hoo! If you don't like chocolate, I'm sure you can find something you DO love. Treat yourself with a reasonable portion of something yummy today.
Weekly Calendar
Here's your calendar for week 3, detailing your workouts and nutritional goals.
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