Here is how it is done:
- Sometimes when we go about our day not being conscious about what we are eating, even while exercising , you would be surprised at the number of calories you can consume in that day, or in one drink for that matter. When you are not aware, it can be pretty easy to slip up. By writing it down, it makes it a lot harder to fail.
-Once you have decided you are ready to start your journey towards a fitter and healthier you, you want to figure out how many calories you need in a day to loose the amount of weight you are shooting for taking in consideration your activity level.
Next is the part of writing it down. You could get a little journal to carry around so that you can track what you eat each day, including the amount of calories, serving size and time of day, then deduct the amount from your daily calorie goal. Technology has made it even easier nowadays with sites like Livestrong's My Plate ,which is my preferred site to use and gadgets of every kind. You pretty much enter your food and servings and it has a large database of almost everything including all its nutritional value. It will deduct the calorie amount as you enter it and automatically tally the remaining calories you have left. You can also keep track of your workouts as well. There is also a free app for this and others for your phone to make it even easier while out. Whether you carry a journal or log from your phone. Find one that works for you.
In doing this you will find that when you eat something off your allowed list of foods and slip up, keeping track of it will let you know , "OK I ate this so now I can only eat this many calories the remaining of the day or offset it with an extra workout", or it will stop you from making bad choices because you know that if you eat something high caloric you may have to go without a more filling ,nutritious meal and be hungry later in the day. It will also let you know by looking back at your eating diary what your triggers are. I am an emotional eater. I know that stress causes me to want sugar and carbs like cookies. I also know that my dance workouts and my form of meditation helps me manage my stress. So I learn to put the cookies down and go to a Zumba class :)or should I say I am still in training.
I cannot over emphasis the importance of keeping track of what you eat. It has worked for me and many others who have successfully lost weight. Anytime I stop being conscious of what I eat is when that weight starts to creep back on. Once you become an expert at it you will eventually get to the point that you can do it with out writing it down. I like to think of it as a battle between calories and calories out. Calories out must win. I wish you much success in your journey and I am with you because I have been there and continue to struggle. It isn't easy but its easier with support and knowing you aren't alone. Keep sweating and see you on the dance floor!
Ladies Only Zumba Fitness!
Nefertiti Zumba
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