Thursday, February 16, 2012

I have to loose 20 pounds and then some!

I am sure many of you know now that a mixture of Zumba and calorie counting helped me to loose a total of 64 pounds!  I reached my goal on my wedding day which was almost 2 years ago. Since then I have gained back 20 of those pounds. Partly because of some medication that I had been taking and partly because of making brownies and great home cooked meals for my husband and family and wanting to sit and eat what they ate. Now , I have to get it together. All these Zumba work outs have made me think I can eat what I want  especially since I am ravenously hungry afterwards but the scale is going the wrong way. URGH!  It goes to show that weight lossis  more about what you eat. I know better! There obviously needs to be a balance. I have to get it together and take advantage of these calorie blasting workouts. I wear a calorie counter watch occassionally and I usually burn 900-to over 1000 calories per workout.  If I manage my calories there is no telling how quickly I can loose the weight. I just need to kick myself in the butt and just say no to the cookies! I am cookie monster's sister.

Here is a link to a great article to read for more information about exercise and loosing weight.
Why Exercise Won't Make You Thin

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