Monday, January 30, 2012
Get your Friday night groove on baby!!
Come join me this Friday night at 7:30pm at my new Zumba Location. Opening Night Drop in fee $5.00 for NEW members only! (February 3rd . Bring a friend!) See you on the dancefloor!!
Fridays @7:30-8:30pm
One For All Dance
9691-LGerwig Lane
Columbia MD 21046
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Join me
Join me , along with a great group of instructors at this Zumbathon Charity event. See you there!
The Wilson Ennis Clubhouse
3150 Solomons Island, Road North, Huntingtow n, MD 20639
UPDATED CLASS SCHEDULE New classes take affect February 3rd!!!
Mondays @ 7-8pm
One For All Dance
9691-LGerwig Lane
Columbia MD 21046
Tuesdays @ 6-7pm
Studio Gemini
10800 Rhode Island Ave Ste E
Beltsville MD 20706
Fridays @7:30-8:30pm
One For All Dance
9691-LGerwig Lane
Columbia MD 21046
Saturdays @ 10-11am
Teelin Dance Studio
9221 Rumsey Road
Columbia MD 21045
(These classes will move to One For All Dance Location starting in March)
All class drop in rates are $10.00
6 Class Punch Cards $40.00
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Zumba Bell Bracelets!
A lot of you have asked me about my bracelets. You can find them at the link below
We have class this morning... January 21,2012
It's cold out there, so lets burn up the dance floor and burn those calories off. I know I have a goal to reach! IF you can make it come out. If not, see you next week. Be careful driving.
Also , I have updated the shopping cart so hopefully any purchase should be easier to make.
See you in class!!
Also , I have updated the shopping cart so hopefully any purchase should be easier to make.
See you in class!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
New classes Forming! Which would you prefer! correction
I need your feedback. I don't know about you but I need a workout more than 1 day a week. Some of us are working mothers and some of us stay at home. I would like to provide a little something for everyone. I am thinking about adding two or three more classes to my schedule.
At least one daytime and one evening around 6.
I am open for suggestions!
See you guys on the dancefloor!
At least one daytime and one evening around 6.
I am open for suggestions!
See you guys on the dancefloor!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
More Ladies Only Zumba
I am so happy to see smiling faces in my Zumba classes! And you guys will realize that it will get easier every time you do it. You will be correcting me before you know it! I hope that I am able to get more classes started, because if you are like me you want and need more Ladies Only fitness classes. I have gotten offers at different locations but none of them restrict men. God Willing I need to start a poll to find out what times are best for you so that I can work on more class choices. I need a Zumba workout at least 3 times per week. Don't forget I am here for you and working for you so I VALUE your opinions! So please I welcome comments, I see them all positive. I am always looking for ways to improve our classes. Please if you read this remind me to give our drawing winner their prize. I forgot last class. I will have my son Sidique give the prize at the door God Willing. I look forward to seeing you all Saturday morning and don't forget to bring your smiles~!!
By the way Here is a video of another class doing Yellow Submarine. It may seem complicated at first ,but trust me , you will get it soon!
By the way Here is a video of another class doing Yellow Submarine. It may seem complicated at first ,but trust me , you will get it soon!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
I was just informed that there will be water matenience work being done at the studio January 14,2012. They will be in there early so it may not affect us, but there is a slight possibility that there may not be water available in the bathrooms at 10am. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause anyone coming out next week. See you Saturday!
And What a Great First Day It Was!!!!!!
I want to thank everyone for coming to my very first Zumba class.I didn't get to thank all of you after class. It was so much fun! God willing we will have many more and it can only get better. I was happy to see so many excited and happy faces. What a way to start off this beautiful day. Feeling refreshed and energized ,then walking out to the beautiful sun. God is the Greatest. Stay fit and stay positive and I look forward to doing it again next Saturday Morning!
I want to thank my son Sidique for helping me so much and being my Administrative Assistant. He will be selling water each class and all proceeds go to him. We had a drawing and I forgot to announce the winner so God Willing I will be sending out an email to everyone with the winning name and give the gift next class.
Also I want to remind everyone that Zumba can be overwhelming at first if you are new to it and not to get discouraged. You will catch on especially once you get used to my style of direction. I keep the playlist the same for about 5 weeks and then slowly exchange and introduce one new song every 5 weeks to keep it fresh. But repetition is key.Also you can make it High or Low impact depending on your fitness level or your mood. Make it as cool and smooth as you want or sweat as hard as you want, its up to you. Just don't forget to keep moving, laughing and smiling and most importantly have fun. Enjoying yourself while keeping fit is the key to staying active and before you know it you will have a smaller waist and a tighter pompis (tosh)!! Benefits of Latin movements,believe me!
Again , I look forward to dancing more with you and keeping fit, with all of you and I will see you Saturday morning! Since I rent the studio by the hour It is important to start on time, so from here on forth I will be starting the warm up 10 sharp.
I want to thank my son Sidique for helping me so much and being my Administrative Assistant. He will be selling water each class and all proceeds go to him. We had a drawing and I forgot to announce the winner so God Willing I will be sending out an email to everyone with the winning name and give the gift next class.
Also I want to remind everyone that Zumba can be overwhelming at first if you are new to it and not to get discouraged. You will catch on especially once you get used to my style of direction. I keep the playlist the same for about 5 weeks and then slowly exchange and introduce one new song every 5 weeks to keep it fresh. But repetition is key.Also you can make it High or Low impact depending on your fitness level or your mood. Make it as cool and smooth as you want or sweat as hard as you want, its up to you. Just don't forget to keep moving, laughing and smiling and most importantly have fun. Enjoying yourself while keeping fit is the key to staying active and before you know it you will have a smaller waist and a tighter pompis (tosh)!! Benefits of Latin movements,believe me!
Again , I look forward to dancing more with you and keeping fit, with all of you and I will see you Saturday morning! Since I rent the studio by the hour It is important to start on time, so from here on forth I will be starting the warm up 10 sharp.
Friday, January 6, 2012
See you tomorrow!!!!
Bring your water, towel, sneakers, and comfortable workout gear!! Most importantly, don't forget your positive energy, laughter and smiles. See you tomorrow , come a little early to fill out necessary forms. Class start at 10am sharp!!!!
Please sign up for updates or join my facebook page
Saturdays at 10:am-11am
Teelin Irish Dance Studio
9221 Rumsey Road
Columbia, MD 21045
January 7,2012 Opening day class only $5.00 Bring a friend.
10 dollar drop in
class packages available 5 class cards for 40 dollars.
Monday, January 2, 2012
A New Year , A New You! Perhaps your resolutions include a cleansing detox.
I wanted to update everyone yet again , that my Sunday classes are canceled at Savage Fit and that I will no longer be participating in Zumba classes or events there in the future. I apologize to everyone who was looking forward to exercising with me on Sundays. In time ,depending on need and requests, more classes may be added.
I still am excited and looking forward to starting this new year off right with you on Saturday mornings, dancing for our health. I have lots of great surprises in store for all of you. I am blessed to being able to provide a male free environment to all you ladies so that you can shake, shimmy and sweat freely.
I also want to invite any one interested in joining me for a 10 day detox. What better way to start the New year off than free of toxins. I will post the information below and I plan to start later in the month. Any one interested in joining me, shoot me an email or let me know in class. The more the merrier. Support as always a good thing. I want to again wish everyone a great and blessed Ano Nuevo ( New Year!) and and remember to make God and your health your priority! The longer we can maintain healthy bodies and clear sharp minds, by exercising and eating clean foods, the longer we can stay in remembrance and worship of HIM in this short time we have in this life. See you guys on the dance floor and remember to bring your smiles and positive energy!!!!!
For those who realize that everything is from God, everything is the same.
-Jalaluddin al-Rumi
It's All Good!
A New Year! Perhaps your resolutions include a cleansing detox.
Detox Cleansing Herbal Tea
The “Chinese Cleanse”
In this detoxifying cleanse, you drink a home-made brew of herbal tea that you drink in the morning and evening. In between, you eat fruit till noon, and vegetables till 8:00 PM. The duration is between three and ten days.
Herbal Tea Ingredients:
-Six cups of filtered water
-Two tablespoons of Red Clover
-Two tablespoons of Milk Thistle
-Two tablespoons of Dandelion Tea
-Two tablespoons of Peppermint Leaf
-Three tablespoons of Buckthorn Bark
Herbal Tea Instructions:
Boil the six cups of water in a pot, remove it from the heat, and add the herbs. Stir and cover the pot. Steep it for 30 minutes to one hour. Strain the herbs from the water before drinking, and then discard them.
Drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening. At two cups per day, the amount listed above will last one person three days.
The Tea needs to be refrigerated and will keep fresh for three days. When taken from the refrigerator, warm it slowly — rapid heating and boiling will destroy the medicinal properties of the herbs.
The tea helps purify the blood, liver, kidneys and colon. It is also a mild laxative — know where the bathrooms are!
Note: The amount of herbs you buy are, of course, dependent on how many people will be joining you on the cleanse, and how many days you’ll be doing it. Determine this before purchasing the herbs, which hopefully can be found at your local health food store.
The Food Part:
Time frame is three to ten days:
- Three days helps the body get rid of toxins.
- Five days starts the healing process.
- Ten days cleanses and renews the bloodstream, liver, kidneys and colon.
Kiwi | Orange | Lime | Grapefruit |
Lemon | Apple | Apple Juice | Mango |
Banana | Papaya | Pear | Figs |
Eat fruit whole, and/or blend the fruit with water or apple juice to make a smoothie. Eat as much as you want.
To strengthen the optic nerves, combine freshly squeezed lemons (if available) with grapefruit, and/or limes with oranges.
Regular herbal tea (other than the “Tea” you make from scratch) can be drunk throughout the morning.
From noon till 8:00 PM eat from this list of organic vegetables:
Asparagus | Beets | Broccoli | Cabbage |
Cauliflower | Leafy Greens | Dark Green Veggies | Carrots |
Dandelion Leaves | Parsnips | Potatoes (w/ skins) | Garlic |
Onion | Olive Oil | Parsley | Sprouts |
Red/Green Peppers | Spinach | Radish | Tomato |
Eat these foods in solid form, or juice them, or make soup. The vegetables can be raw, steamed, baked or roasted. A simple dressing can be made from garlic, lemon juice, peppermint, olive oil and parsley. (I often get lazy and just add lemon juice to olive oil.)
Ideally, try to combine cooked and raw food at each meal in order to magnify the enzymes needed for proper digestion; for instance: salad and soup.
Your favorite herbal tea (not the “Tea” described above) can be drunk throughout the afternoon and evening.
detox information from
Over Indulgence — The Day After
Dr. Mao: What to do after you overeat to feel better
A FRIEND of mine came over for a post-Thanksgiving visit this morning. His face was visibly pained as he waddled in, slumped onto my couch and listed to the side.
“Ohhh, I’m still stuffed!”, he winced.
Yeah, here we go again… ’tis the Holiday Season, the prime time for overindulgence, be it gustatory or gifting. Which brings me to an article filled with a litany of suggestions about how to relieve the discomfort of physical saturation of the gustatory kind.
Stepping up to embrace this noble cause is Dr. Maoshing Ni. In his Yahoo post today, Healthy Detox after Overindulging, he passes us a few pearls of wisdom:
(Right after your bacchanalian debauchery)1. Walk off the food. Twenty minutes is good.
2. Drink tea. Peppermint, chamomile, and ginger tea are other good choices for settling the stomach.
(The next day)3. Start the day with some apple cider vinegar, a traditionally used to remedy digestive distress, support liver detoxification, normalize digestive juices, and reduce intestinal bloating.
4. Eat a light breakfast of foods such as oat bran cereal (or you eat fruit).
5. Drink copious amounts of pure water.
Dr. Mao has the details in his article, and also has some suggestions on how to heal an aching head, of the alcohol overindulgence variety. And some Qi Gong detoxifying exercises too.Now, let’s see if there’s any room left on that couch…
written by Joe Garma
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